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Weston Suite hall floor refurbished

Simon, our caretaker, has completed the restoration work on our All Saints Centre hall floor, and what a great job he's done! Thanks too to Naomi and Barbara for providing the clear two weeks for this work, for reorganising equipment and for cleaning.

Weston Suite beforeHere is the before image. There was very little varnish left on the floor and it was taking a long time to clean, replying completely on polish being applied regularly to keep any moisture off the wood.
You can see here that Simon has just made a start, sanding one diagonal line across the hall. The sanding was carried over ten passes in different directions with three different sanding grits. The floor was then thoroughly cleaned and then a primer was applied. Simon then rolled on three coats of lacquer over a six day period, allowing each coat to dry for 24 hours.

Weston Suite after
Here it is after and the floor passes a, glasses on, glasses off, close up inspection after the final coat has dried. The first groups have now used the hall since completion and it's still looking perfect. 
We have been able to return some unused product to the manufacturer and receive a refund, so the job has also now come in well under budget. We are ready for the new term!
